Sunday, June 7, 2009

Big big ufo mix that i have edited myself......


Well this one took a little time (i have a few others - see my youtube video channel at the very bottom of this blog) - as the song itslef is indeed quite very lengthy and then some!
Perhaps a bit robotic the way i am following exactly the rhythm of the song - but hopefully it gets freed up a bit more coming towards the end of it - where everything goes a bit crazy building up perhaps to a more climatic points - anyway selected from the archives - this vid includes some of my all time fav. pics and clips of ufos - both in terrestrial airspace and also too that of the outer space kind of environment ;) i.e. that is to say... showing video segments of those ufos that are tending to show themselves up on NASA's very own cams (interestingly enough - these pulsating ships ONLY show up on certain cams that can see into the infra-red spectrum of light - hmmmm certainly something to really chew on perhaps)

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