Thursday, November 26, 2009

Vatican conference on UFOS - opening up to possibility of existant ETs

Vatican Knows for a Fact That There are Very Sexy Aliens Afoot, Yet Still Wants to Keep You in The Dark About It

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


superb recent footage - that speaks for itself...- objects of unknown origin moving very erratically - yet seemingly they have the look of perhaps being intelligently controlled.

apparently the guy taping it was on a bus, at first, but then told the bus driver to stop so he could continue taping. There are plenty of points to show distance, and its a very clear video. Perhaps a mothership releasing some drones/probes/scoutships??

Monday, June 8, 2009

5 fictional sci-fi books that ought to be made into films!

This one is just an all time classic. - some really mind bending stuff - & totally unique - the plot moves along very swiftly as if very often the case with Vogt storylines - and so always keeps you excited - would be interesting to see how a filmmaker would appraoch the idea of the 'tendrils'

This one - very atypical PKD - in the sense of peeling back the successive layers of reality to reveal yet further ones. Also lots in the way of counter culture and anti government rhetoric/ethos. Also just when you think things are going so very lousy coming towards the end, well it turns out to be not so bad after all!

This would just be great for all of the action. - also some of the characters are very strong.

Well big in cope this one, possibly very hard to film, its gets very abstract at times, what with cyber killer bots inhabiting peoples brains that later manifest as etheric like spirits.
Features some remarkably efficient and deadly ways of killing fellow officers on gigantic space huggers...basically get in touch with the on board computer that controls the navigation of the ship, make sure that you yourself are fully secured (strapped in real tight to a chair or something to that effect), then proceed to instruct the comp. to engage in extreme sudden acceleration followed by then an instant halt - thereby all other flight passengers not properly secured would be utterly squashed upon impact as a result of being catapulted into corridor metal walls.

Well again very action packed, but also lots of psychic, telekinetic goings on, which makes for some interesting standoffs between folk that are trying to get the upper hand over each other - yet using merely the power of their brains to achieve that end!

Huge Jellyfish crop circle formation - predictive of Solar Storm??

Experts are claiming it to be the first of its kind in the world and said that as well as looking like a jellyfish, it also replicates the Earth’s magnetic field.

and that also certain features seem to suggest that a solar storm may impact Earth on July 7, 2009, as has already been suggested by several other crop pictures from April or May (see bishopcannings or roundway2).

The new crop picture also shows a small, horizontal, four-circle band just between its head and its long tail (blue arrows, left or right above). That feature closely resembles a crop picture from July 20, 2008 which told us about eclipses (see time2007x). Indeed, the suggested date of July 7, 2009 for an upcoming solar storm will be a penumbral lunar eclipse (see

......“The ‘galaxy’ crop pictures of 1994 displayed Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and the Moon in the constellation Cetus, exactly where they would appear on April 6-7, 2000. When that date finally arrived, the Earth encountered a very powerful solar storm, and an aurora borealis was seen across many European or American countries, much further south than would normally be the case. Some wonder whether those crop pictures were trying to tell us, that something important would be happening to our Sun on that night? It seems beyond coincidence. It also seems to show that the intelligences behind those crop pictures have the power of premonition.”

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sleeper Agent...

My first book (novella) which is now available......

Click Here!

(currently working on for production diary and ongoing updates..)


Sleeper Agent is an exciting, gothic tale aimed at young adult readers and written in the style of the classic 20th Century pulp sci-fi magazines.

Filled with strange creatures and otherworldly beings from distant galaxies, Sleeper Agent centres on an earth human called Zach, who finds himself at the centre of a terrifying intergalactic war.

A reluctant agent of the alien Rejaelan race, Zach undergoes highly advanced training in order to prepare himself for a looming invasion of despicable and evil creatures originating from the Alpha Centauri quadrant. But a succession of unforseen events conspire to rapidly hasten Zach's destiny as future Earth saviour as he struggles to protect mankind from the impending Vrotogorian menace.

From The Book...

Lying stationary, deep down in the bowels of the dark and muddy lake, the saucer-like alien spaceship pulsed and glowed with a beautiful luminescence; the colours themselves constantly shifting as they morphed from one to the next. Of course, the alien ship had purposefully dived into the depths of this lake that was only five miles from the Morris farmhouse. Its flight commander, appearing considerably impatient, paced about at his command post nervously, his mind racing...

And then he saw it move - a strange black shape that earlier he had been struggling in vain to identify, but had eventually given up on, putting it down to the general stress of the day making him a little edgy and perhaps more than a little paranoid as well. But it definitely had not seemed to fit with the rest of the natural bedrock of the deep lake.

Something was a little off - something in the way that it appeared to be draped or even positioned in a rather peculiar way on the rocks and sediment. And now, whatever it was, it was making slow movements here in the deep murkiness of the lake, quite close to the ship. A strange mysterious leviathan perhaps, waking from a long slumber...

Big big ufo mix that i have edited myself......


Well this one took a little time (i have a few others - see my youtube video channel at the very bottom of this blog) - as the song itslef is indeed quite very lengthy and then some!
Perhaps a bit robotic the way i am following exactly the rhythm of the song - but hopefully it gets freed up a bit more coming towards the end of it - where everything goes a bit crazy building up perhaps to a more climatic points - anyway selected from the archives - this vid includes some of my all time fav. pics and clips of ufos - both in terrestrial airspace and also too that of the outer space kind of environment ;) i.e. that is to say... showing video segments of those ufos that are tending to show themselves up on NASA's very own cams (interestingly enough - these pulsating ships ONLY show up on certain cams that can see into the infra-red spectrum of light - hmmmm certainly something to really chew on perhaps)

Meier Case proven real?!

Here is the famous 'sunshot photo' that i have enhanced on software imaging program 'Gimp' (using the bump-map filter) , showing clearly how the branches of the tree are crossing OVER/ON-TOP-OFF the hull of the erm Extra-Terrestrial spaceship..clearly when it comes down to it - this level of photographic trickery would be beyond the skills of a one armed armed farmer with little or no resources available to him - conlusion - case proven utterly true and real! Maybe - maybe not - comments are welcome... (click on the image itself in order to get a closer look)

Also for more on this go to the following link

Colossal City like ufo recorded over Israel

Colossal Cubic Ufo over Israel

This ufo is very mysterious and strange one - the likes of which has not been since ever since (idont think) - personally i think that the portion that is visible represents merely the tail end of the giant ufo itself - the afterburner/thruster section of it, if you will.
anyway perhaps food for thought...

Who or What are 'The Greys'??

Well the theories are many - even as to the question of whether or not they are actual lifeforms or alternatively - artificially created 'Bio-Organic Androids'.
Think about it travelling around in space might not necessarily be the most easiest thing going in the world - to have to do - could well be that its even very cramped inside of those disc or saucer like ships they fly in - therefore might not an extremely advanced race of ETs go about manufacturing a worker-bee type of entity that goes about doing all the hard work or drudgery of interstellar exploration itself - ok lots to say on this...more in time - to be updated....

HUGE ufos orbiting the Sun!!

SOHO Sun telescope captured UFO s at war

These images were taken from the SOHO spacecraft which is studying the sun's activity. Some dismiss these objects as mearly planets or comets, however....nothing in nature can escape the heat radiation & gravity of the Sun. If these objects were meteors ,comets rocks or debris they would be sucked in towards the Sun & vaporised - Clearly these objectss defy our understanding of physics.